Kursblogg engelska 6 Slottegymnasiet


Write your topic in a comment below!
If you are too unspecific others can still pick something from your topic!
Example of a vague description: "Culture" /Stefan
Examples of specific descriptions:
- "The different cultures and trends surrounding christmas celebrations in USA, and which will spread to Sweden" /Stefan
- "The upcoming trends in rap and hip hop production" /Stefan
- "Which types of imageries that will dominate mainstream Tattooing in 2017" /Stefan
If someone has a similar topic to what you want, talk to them and see if you can define your topic further so that you both can talk about for example fashion!
Kom ihåg mig?
Mailadress (publiceras ej):
1 ozan%20sagir
skriven :

Tech/Gadgets ish

2 Robin svensson
skriven :


3 Nikita
skriven :

Gamin/Cosplay Nikki

4 Thor
skriven :

Gaming/ new games

5 Lydia
skriven :

Fashion- Winter/spring